What is negation in copywriting and how to replace it correctly?

Hello and welcome to the new category of quick copywriter tips. Today we are talking about negation in copywriting (inversion) as a common mistake among the beginners. The first things first, so let’s start with a brief definition.

Inversion is the change of meaning to its opposite through negation. Here are some examples.

Direct meaningNegation
I will do itI will NOT do it
She smilesShe DOES NOT smile
They are afraidThey are NOT afraid

Ok, but what’s wrong with it? At first there seems to be nothing wrong with that, if not for one nuance. The task of any text in copywriting is not just to convey information in a clear and accessible way. Its task is to bring the reader’s brain closer to the state we need. Of course, it is naive to believe that we can control the brain of the audience, like a character in a computer game. But there is something we can actually do.

The signs and meanings in copywriting

Every time we use certain words (signs), and these words are read by a person, a so-called intellectual object (image) appears in his mind. That is, the brain reacts to words in certain states. For example, if I tell you the word “pine”, you imagine this coniferous tree and as if you see it in your imagination. And, despite the fact that it took a fraction of a second, the brain did a great job, because correlated this sign with your experience and the information that you have. Something like that.

The image in the brain will be something like that.
The image in the brain will be something like that.

If I say a word that the brain does not know, for example, “oxymethoroploton”, then it will simply ignore it.

But if I ask a specific sign, for example, “pink giraffe”, then your brain will most likely first imagine an ordinary giraffe, and then begin to paint it pink, since the sign requires going beyond the usual patterns. Pink giraffes do not exist in nature.

At the same time, some words can simply form images, while others can trigger an emotional reaction. For example, if I say the phrase “Autumn in Japan”, and you were in Japan in autumn, saw momiji maples and were impressed, then there will be an emotional reaction. If you have not been, and you are not particularly interested in Japan, then there will be no reaction. And the difference between “Autumn in New York” or “Autumn in Tripoli” will not be much. Just images.

The effect of negation in copywriting

Inversion, when you add the particle “not” to the words, does not affect the created image in any way. For example, if I tell you “not a giraffe”, you will still imagine a giraffe, just the brain will know that it is not him and carry out additional calculations, spending a little more energy. And therefore, it will be more difficult to perceive the information than if I immediately said the word “elephant”, and the image would instantly appear in your imagination.

Negation in copywriting doest't affect the image.
Certain words (signs) create certain images in the brain. And inversion does not affect these images.

Now look at some phrases below.

๐Ÿ”ด You don’t get sick
๐Ÿ”ด You don’t suffer
๐Ÿ”ด You are not afraid

Despite the fact that we understand their meaning through negation, it is still unpleasant to read them, because even with the right understanding, the brain still operates with images of illness, suffering, fear. And these images trigger a negative emotional reaction.

If we eliminate the inversion, then in addition to simplifying the calculations for the brain, we also change negative emotions to positive ones. Look:

๐ŸŸข You are healthy
๐ŸŸข Are you happy
๐ŸŸข Are you confident

See? We said essentially the same thing, but the state of the brain is completely different. Reading and perceiving such constructions is both easier and more pleasant.

Practical task

Now let’s practice. Eliminate the negation of the following constructions (with an asterisk – more complicated tasks):

  1. You don’t overpay
  2. You won’t regret (*)
  3. You don’t owe anything to anyone (*)
  4. You don’t waste energy
  5. You will not be deceived

You will succeed! Take care of yourself and see you in the next article.

Best regards, Dan.

P.S. Do you want to study copywriting systematically? Check out this free course.

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